They want me to help them solve their problems.

The light is turned on.) Oz: People think Im a great wizard. The light becomes dark.) SCENE II (Oz stands on the stage. Vicky: The wizard of Oz? (Vicky and the king of the Munchkins exit. But you can go ask the greatest wizard of Oz. (to herself) How do I go home? (to the king) Do you know how I can get out of here? King: Im afraid I dont know, young lady.

Frank Baums book The Wizard of Oz? King: Thats right.

Could you please tell me where this place is? King: This is the land of the Munchkins. (looks around) Where are they? Wheres this place? (The king of the kingdom enters.) Vicky: Excuse me. The big tree at this moment has already been replaced by the Emerald City.) Vicky: Mm Wheres everybody? The light becomes dark and then is turned on. (squats in the bush.) Child A: Where are you? (looks around and exits.) (All the children enter.) Child A: I cant find Vicky. All the children run away and exits except Vicky.) Vicky: Where can I hide? It maybe a good idea to hide in the bush. (Child A leans on the tree and begins to count. Lets play hide-and-seek! (All the children agree.) Children: Paper, scissors, stone. Misalna, di sakola kudu taat kana aturan. Amanat Drama: Jadi, keur ngadorong zaman anu leuwih hade’ kahareupna, kaadilan te’h kudu ditingkatkeun deui dina ngajalankeunana. Mulai dari contoh naskah drama komedi, contoh naskah drama pendek, contoh naskah drama persahabatan, contoh naskah drama lucu, contoh naskah drama cerita rakyat, contoh naskah drama 6 orang, contoh naskah drama 5 orang, contoh naskah drama musikal, contoh naskah drama cinderella, contoh naskah drama timun mas, dll. There is a bush on the right hand side of the stage. Dipublikasikan: Azamku.Com, pakaian adat Indonesia, kata mutiara & naskah pidato A Visit to The Wizard of Oz by Wu Hsiu-yao Cast Wu Yu-chieh: Child A, Scarecrow, and Vickys mother Huang Chi-ying: Vicky Yeh Chung-cheng: The Tin Woodman Chang Tun-wei: The King of Oz and Park Keeper Lai Kuan-ling: Dorothy SCENE I (This is a park there is a tree in the middle of the stage.